Switching Between Leading and Following in Bachata | Role Rotation

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Felipe y Tiago Role Rotation are famous for switching between leading and following during the same dance. Switching roles in bachata (cambio de roles en bachata) is a technique where both people in the dance have to learn each other’s capacities and learn how to use them to improve the common dance partnerwork.

This does not only promote respect in the dance scene, but emotes respect for the other person whomever they might be. It defends both roles and makes them equally important, allowing both dancers to show their dance quality and capacities. If you wish to learn how to change from leading and following make sure to check other articles on it or their videos on youtube which explain how.

If YOU are LIKE US and believe that SOCIAL DANCE SHOULD BE FREE of sexism, gender differences and that everyone should be free to dance the role they most enjoy then please help us share this idea by SUBSCRIBING to our channel. Oh, and if you enjoy our content, like or share our videos. It always makes us HAPPY and gives us a motivation boost 😝

👬 Felipe y Tiago – @felipeytiago_official

🎶 Bebé – Camilo ft El Alfa

📍 Madrid More content


If you are someone who believes bachata has no gender and you want to help us spread this idea then please check the videos on this playlist and share them to help create a free dance community faster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXIIW…

To know more about Role Rotation and to learn how to switch bettween roles, and how to lead and follow better in bachata – Check this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k6Nx…

For more videos of us dancing Role Rotation Bachata check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzmdi… To find out a bit more about our lives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1RN7…

And finally, if you want tips to improve bachata in general follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTQN2…

Thank you so much for all your love and support 💛

If you are new to RoleRotation Bachata you can see when and who was leading here:

00:00 – Role Rotation Felipe leading

00:31 – Role Rotation Tiago leading

01:13– Role Rotation Felipe leading

01:40 – Role Rotation Tiago leading

02:30 – Role Rotation Felipe leading

03:04 – Role Rotation Tiago leading

Felipe y Tiago RoleRotation
Felipe y Tiago RoleRotation

Founders of RoleRotation
Madrid, Spain.

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